The Power of Collaboration

“God is faithful. He responds to our prayers. People of this village can see how God has built our worship place. I am sure many others who are not yet believers will come soon.”

One village in Bangladesh has come a long way in a very short time. Just three years ago, no one there had ever heard the name of Jesus. Enter a visionary national team, a Global Advance church planting training, one courageous change maker, one way-making God… and the rest is history.

Following the training Pastor Rob was ignited to build relationships and share the gospel with the precious people in this village, and it didn’t take long before many came to Christ. A house church was started. The number of new believers being baptized and discipled is growing by the day, and Global Advance partners like you just helped make their most recent prayer a reality - our brothers and sisters are now meeting in their newly constructed church building, where over 450 villagers can come and worship the one, true Living God!

Collaboration is key when building strategy to transform a nation. In Bangladesh, where less than 1% of the population is Christian, our national team has a big vision to plant 1,000 new churches in unreached communities by 2026. That’s a huge goal that no one leader alone could accomplish. But bring together a strong team representing nationwide networks that include thousands of catalytic leaders like Pastor Robi, and an audacious goal quickly becomes reality!


Is Sustainable Attainable?


Awakening the Sleeping Giant